My Philosophy

“embracing potential” ~drum medicine 8.10.17

In my life as a traditional Medicine Woman in our contemporary times, I begin my day with greeting the sun in a ceremony with water, cornmeal and prayer. I say prayers of gratitude for my life, for the life of my children and for the life all my relations. I invite the divine union of Earth Mother and Sky Father into my day and to show me how may I serve. This ignites my desire to be alive and live my life’s purpose.

In my practice, I follow a balanced lifestyle that includes personal daily ritual, eating holistically, and enjoying the daily wonders that nature provides. As a practitioner, my quest is to maintain harmony and alignment for my body (structure), heart (emotions) and spirit (essence). This better prepares me for those times when I need to figure out the source of imbalance.

By tracking and mapping when my life works in harmony, my intuition is primed when I pay attention to the synchronized messages within the world around me. The separation between Physical and Spiritual is no longer illusive.  Awe, wonder and beauty then become the navigators for my current Earth Walk. A direction is revealed and I then can know my life purpose in that moment.

When I am not at ease, my quest is to understand the purpose of my fears and challenges. My lifestyle has prepared me to receive revelations that help me to shift my perspective about fear, challenges and discomfort….dis-ease.  These then become guiding lights and allies in order to better navigate the cause of dis-ease. I can see more of who and why I am and do my best to love myself through it. I become courageous. I am ready to own my life.

Life and all mundane and esoteric forces of nature interconnect and form patterns or conditions that are reflected in our bodies and environment(structure), relationships(emotion), and universal forces(spirit). With this awareness and a bit of faith, we have the choice to be responsible co-creators of our existence. All That Is. This is the magic of divine orchestration!

I am in Love with this divine orchestration of co-creating Life with All That Is. This co-creation is miraculous and I believe that this is where our purpose is born and reborn again. Miracles and Healing become the norm and we celebrate victory with gratitude!!!

 I invite clients who are committed to wanting a balanced lifestyle. Who want to learn about personal daily ritual and nurturing themselves.  Who are open to receive clarity and inspiration. Who are willing to believe in their Soul’s purpose and the power of Spirit. Who are ready to own their life.

Our lives can move forward towards our highest potential with ease, grace and Beauty.  As your personal Drum Medicine Woman and Traditional Ceremonialist I am passionate about being in service.  I look forward to you finding your own medicine of empowerment and to see your smiling face!!