Good Morning Maria, I awoke this morning feeling curious and hopeful. Yesterday was filled with phone connections, basking in the sun and ritual. I was in JT for a couple of days for a dental appointment and healing session. The healing … Read More
I recently traveled to Mexico to sit, journey and remember my true potential. In the months preceding, fear had taken me and thrown me into submission….a place where I cried out for help to never return. While in Tequisquiaspan, Traditional … Read More
March 28, 2012 XI Strength What a glorious life I lead. (“I feel scared”) Waking to what seems to perpetual sunny days. (“I don’t want to get out of bed”) Enjoying the freedom the kitties have in this expansive … Read More
I find it quite uncanny that the coulds seem to roll in when I soak a full elk or deer hides in water in preparation for making drums. The process begins with i immersing an elk or deer hide into … Read More
April 2011 Newsletter Greetings! At Bonita Domes we are practicing living a life of sustainability within community. We are living and working together using the two trailers for our kitchen and community dining. An outdoor hot shower is the best … Read More
I am grounded in my power Leadership Family Goddess Confident in my transparency my authenticity my truth Then….. those moments of sadness for those I am in love whom cannot meet me I humbly honor their journey my power my … Read More
During a week-long workshop at Cal Earth, growth and insight emerged through pangs of emotional movements. My partner and I found ourselves in the midst of tension as we presented our points of view about how we were communicating. Ok….REALLY…..We were arguing. Defensive/Offensive conversations flew around our field just like the clothes in the dryer at the laundromat. Yes, we WERE actually at the laundromat.
Eventually we found peace and resolution and returned to the workshop to begin a project with the group. My partner went ahead as I lagged for some unknown reason. I took the moments of solitude to meditate briefly to be awaken by a call from my medicine bag. Corn Meal…”Take the corn meal!” I checked my bag and it was wet. Upon further investigation, my small bottle of collected and blessed Lightening Water had let loose in my bag and saturated most of its contents.
I pondered briefly of the mornings events with my partner, set out the contents of my bag to dry and returned to the group with corn meal in my pocket. The group had begun to build a wall with Earth and I gave offering to dig.
Then just a few moments after my arrival back to the group a pvc line for water burst through Mama Earth just like the water breaks in a swollen womb before a birth.
A week later, these twins were born.
adopted by one of my teacher who taught me how to love myself
Is it the quiet before the storm? That has me in the bliss of calm. I awake to the excitement of the day unlike recent mornings where getting out of bed was akin to swimming through sludge. Is it the … Read More
“If all things have mutually manifest, we cannot reject any one thing or situation with out rejecting totality. The practice of comapssion applies to the realm of the web in the contxt of a co-created universe to say that this or that should not be is to say that we should not be.”
Excerpt from Sprial Dance Life on Earth Apprenticeship, Maria Yraceburu, Author, Ceremonialist
I taught drum making a few weekends ago and I feel that I have arrived a place where my mastery of drum making is evident. The new technique I’ve been working with, is easy to teach and has greatly narrowed … Read More