September 26, 2011
Joshua Tree, 10:13 am
This past weekend I took myself on an adventure into the unknown with my only compass being “just show up”. There, I met my family and friends and, in between, Spirit and nature reflected back the impact of our contributions.
This is a Love Note I wrote to all of those whom participated in the etchings of alignment and harmony into my grateful heart this past weekend***
Like a child, I am remain in awe as the magic of divine orchestration has its way with us when our simplest expression is to just show up.
Since we met and have been in each others lives I have reached the true depths of meeting myself intimately and this past weekend with you was yet another experience that revealed how much our journey is of One Heart. The continual evolution, growth and expansion of our glorious selves was/is continually confirmed as all of our senses are ignited when I look into your eyes, hug you, receive a massage from you, listen to you, speak my pain with you, catch up with you, see you, drum journey with you, laugh with you, wake up with you, receive your healing gifts, see and acknowledge your beauty and sexiness, cry with you, eat good food with you, hear your wisdom, receive your generosity, dance with you and be in love with you.
Last night I dreamt of Orb Weaver Spiders…..
Love of One Heart
In more ways than one
Coming together to weave
Spirals of desire
~Lisa Starr
I love you and may we continue to empower each other with Happiness; the vital force for good health and good life!