Fearless Freedom of Ectasy, photograph by Melissa Wiess Steele
In my bliss of love and light,
I see love’s warmth embrace my beloved Brothers and Sisters
As they are moving through their current moment of strife.
I send you my prayers from my breath of life as my words are sent and carried
in this breathless moment of an exhale,
“Remember this is just a moment in time that will move and pass and become just a moment in time. Embrace it as ectasy embraces the lover’s and allow the fearless freedom to remove your fear.”
This fills our fields with All That is Good and the knowing that you are here for me and I for you.
We are One.
I was inspired to write this at the end of a full day: Dropped my girls off at school, drove in minimal traffic, worked on my laptop at the coffe shop, got my hair done, had a session with my coach, picked up my daughters from school and came home. Pretty simple yet full.
In the news there was an earthquake in Tibet and volcanos irrupting in Iceland. It’s also tax day and some folks are having “tea parties” rallying for unfair taxation. Most significantly, a friend in our community has been hospitalized.
This poem is my expression of Gratitude for a full and simple day.