Joshua Tree, CA

Honey butter toast
really raw honey.
The sweetness of being vulnerable.
Honey toast.
Honey toes.
Horny toads.
And Lemon hot water tea.
Smack my lips!
I wrote this poem while I was sitting across the table from my beloved at the time. I was relishing in my delightful buttered honey toast and hot lemon water as he stared away from me in his own place of contemplation. The truth is there were unresolved issues between us that had yet to be communicated.
I suppose I had some sort of understanding and knowing that we were on the verge of clearing up the uneasiness since at that moment the intensity was at its peak. The peak intensity is the threshold just before the completion within a life experience cycle and is a place of discomfort as our deep vulnerabilities are about to be unleashed. A break through or healing is just moments away. It has been my experience in this life’s journey that these intensities of experiences grows us into more of who we can be and how we become.
Such appropriate timing to be indulging in the sweetness and tartness of delectable comforts!